History and purpose

The Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center (MITPPC) was founded by the Minnesota Legislature in 2014 and started operating in 2015. MITPPC is the only research center of its kind in the country focused on terrestrial invasive species.

MITPPC's purpose is to research the prevention, detection, and control of terrestrial invasive species in Minnesota. These cost the state about $3 billion annually, wreaking havoc on Minnesota's agricultural resources, forests, prairies, and wetlands. We bring together multidisciplinary researchers from across the University of Minnesota and partners from around the state to find pragmatic solutions to terrestrial invasive species issues.

Funding research

We prioritize funding for research on the greatest threats to Minnesota based on a scientific process. We maintain a list of species eligible for research funding. This guides us in how to direct limited funding for research.

We provide grants to UMN faculty, staff, and postdocs. Learn what's available and how to apply for funding.

Where we fit at the University

The MITPPC is administratively part of the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences.

Our researchers are drawn from throughout the University of Minnesota, from any college, department, the 10 Research and Outreach Centers, and Extension.

Financial support from LCCMR

Financial support for MITPPC is largely provided by the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources.

Closing in on invasive species across Minnesota