Meet the Researcher: Gerard Sapés


Gerard Sapés is part of an MITPPC-funded team led by biologists Jeannine Cavender-Bares and Jennifer Juzwik. Check out this profile's companion piece, "Saving America's Tree."


Post-Doctoral Associate  | he/him/his

Can you give a quick overview of your work with MITPPC?

My job is to disentangle the physiological processes that underlie oak wilt. We know quite a bit of what this disease is, in terms of the symptomatology of it. But we still don't understand well enough the physiological processes that occur with the disease to eventually kill the tree.


About the Author

Caro Silvola is a Communications Intern with the Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center (MITPPC). She is a double major in Bioproducts & Biosystems Engineering and English Literature and is highlighting research-community partnerships in the summer of 2019. Outside of the office, Caroline likes biking, making art, exploring, volunteering in her community and participating in environmental movement spaces.